viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2018

A job

Hi, bloggers today I am going to talk of the work of my dream.
Actually, I have never had a formal Job in all my life. I have had jobs repairing roofs for a familiar. Also, build a pair of things like assistant.
I would like have a job like a geographer in a public institution, for example the SERNAGEOMIN, the ONEMI and others. I would like work in themes associated to risk socio-natural, like the volcanoes. I met a unity of SERNAGEOMIN named volcanic surveillance system; in this, all the volcanoes in Chile are studied and monitored, with information in real time. In anything that I will work, I would like many field trip, in special if are in natural landscapes. In addition, I think that is a good job work for an institution associated to the protection of the environment, the native vegetation or the animals. I think that I will be good for these types of jobs, first, because I study geography, second, because I like the physic area and the natural landscapes and I am good in this and the field trip. 
In addition, I would like be a teacher for the university, because also I like the academic world. In fact when I enter to the university one of my option was pedagogy (in math), because I like teach to other people. But how I choose Geography, I would like teach this theme. 

Resultado de imagen para marcelo lagosIn geography, my inspiration is Marcelo Lagos (he looks like Jesus), because he bring the geography to the people, and teach culture. Other inspiration is Hugo Romero, because he is a great geographer of our university and very smart, actually I have never had class with him, but I heard a talk in Arica where I met him. Also in geology, I have of inspiration to Rodrigo Rauld, a geologist that is teacher here. 

viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018

A friend

When I was a student of first grade in my first school, I met Hugo. I was around 6 years, but we don´t was friends immediately in fact I did not talk with him the firsts years. I remember that he played football in the break of the school and I played others games with others partners; he did not have anything in common with me. Nevertheless in this time the class was very united, and the parents also, they made many parties and littles travels just outside the city in the ends of the years. In these activities, I met better to my partners and Hugo, also my mom met the mom of Hugo, and they became good friends until today, they usually go out to drink and those things. One time my friend got sick, and lost many class and I helped him with the subjects. I remember that I started to go at his house, we played play station and others games, I went to his birthdays and he also, and that’s how our friendship started. After we grow apart, because I change of school and him also. Nevertheless, the friendship lasted until today. I have gone on vacation with him many times, I went to “El Ingenio” (a town in “el cajón del maipo”) with him many times, and here I met the snow. His family have a house in “El Ingenio”, and I remember that we played to the snow wars was very funny. One time we are trapped in the snow and we could not return to Santiago, was a amazing experience. Also I I've been on vacation with him, many times to the south, because he had family in Caburgüa, is a nice family. I have many anecdotes with him in the holydays, the walks, in the lakes. Actually, he studied engineering in this university, and we are in touch.
And of course, I have to talk of George (Jorge), in the faculty he is my best friend, and the first, he is in this class and his blog is visit it!