jueves, 10 de enero de 2019

The Final Post

Well, this is the final post, I was in debt to the sport, because I do not do much sport, almost nothing. Sometimes I practice Ping Pong, I'm not bad but I'm not a very good player either, I'm just playing for fun. Taca Taca is not a sport, but it is necessary to say that it is what I do most in the faculty. I also play chess sometimes, but I'm bad, and it's not a sport. I know I should do more sports for my health, and I have proposed it for this year.

Well, this is the last post, my favorite theme was My Passion, because I could talk about anything, just like in a Free post. I talked about a video game, now I think it's not really my passion, but it's a good Game (Play Undertale).

The post that I liked the most was George (Jorge) because he made fun of me, because I am a bad friend hahahaha.

Well this was my last post, it is very sad to say goodbye, but goodbye to all the English 4 Bloggers.
See you later!!
(I hope to pass English)

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