Hi, bloggers today I am going to talk of the work of my dream.
Actually, I have never had a formal Job in all my life. I have had jobs repairing roofs for a familiar. Also, build a pair of things like assistant.
I would like have a job like a geographer in a public institution, for example the SERNAGEOMIN, the ONEMI and others. I would like work in themes associated to risk socio-natural, like the volcanoes. I met a unity of SERNAGEOMIN named volcanic surveillance system; in this, all the volcanoes in Chile are studied and monitored, with information in real time. In anything that I will work, I would like many field trip, in special if are in natural landscapes. In addition, I think that is a good job work for an institution associated to the protection of the environment, the native vegetation or the animals. I think that I will be good for these types of jobs, first, because I study geography, second, because I like the physic area and the natural landscapes and I am good in this and the field trip.
In addition, I would like be a teacher for the university, because also I like the academic world. In fact when I enter to the university one of my option was pedagogy (in math), because I like teach to other people. But how I choose Geography, I would like teach this theme.
your true inspiration has been me