viernes, 12 de octubre de 2018

I would like learn...

I would like learn German (but first English!). In the school, I had an experience with the German, in the seventh year until octave grade, we had French, German and English, and obviously the most important was the last. I was very bad in French, and in English and German, I was not very good. In the next years, we had to take the decisions of what language learn apart of English, which is obligatory. I toke German because I was better in this language than French, but also I remember that the government of Germany was the sponsor of our school (is a public school) and they said us that with the German we would study in Germany if we was good students in the language. This country had many systems of academic exchange, and very goods, every years we had German students in our school, and others Chileans students arrived to Germany, also we had the possibility of take the basic license of language German and free. This was motivational, but I was not a great student of German, and I not win anything, few people win these programs. Actually, I forget the German language; I remember the numbers and basics things and according to me is like the English language (difficult). I still think that the German is a good language for learn others knowledge of others areas of the geography, also because Germany is an advanced country and they have a lot to teach us.

Resultado de imagen para mujer calculando gifAnother thing that I would like learn is the statistics, I know that can be heard boring, I don´t like the statistics, but for my career is very necessary, in special if you like the physic area and other areas of the geography. For this purpose is vital learn use the software excel, the most basic, and others like SPSS or Stata, that are more difficult but can be manage more information with complex methods. Actually, in geography, the sadistic is a bit incipient; we have some subjects of statistic and statistic´s software, and are very difficult; even I almost reproved the subject “statistic geography”. Because this is my great feebleness together with math, I want to learn statistic. In the future, I hope that this knowledge will be a tool like a geographer.

2 comentarios:

  1. jaja Cristobal always you make me laugh, you can do anything that you propose!!
    see you (:

  2. My wife speaks German and loves studying it. Do you know the Pimsleur method? I have the mps file if you are interested.
