jueves, 10 de enero de 2019

The Final Post

Well, this is the final post, I was in debt to the sport, because I do not do much sport, almost nothing. Sometimes I practice Ping Pong, I'm not bad but I'm not a very good player either, I'm just playing for fun. Taca Taca is not a sport, but it is necessary to say that it is what I do most in the faculty. I also play chess sometimes, but I'm bad, and it's not a sport. I know I should do more sports for my health, and I have proposed it for this year.

Well, this is the last post, my favorite theme was My Passion, because I could talk about anything, just like in a Free post. I talked about a video game, now I think it's not really my passion, but it's a good Game (Play Undertale).

The post that I liked the most was George (Jorge) because he made fun of me, because I am a bad friend hahahaha.

Well this was my last post, it is very sad to say goodbye, but goodbye to all the English 4 Bloggers.
See you later!!
(I hope to pass English)

Christmas memories

Hello bloggers, I'm sorry to say that I hate Christmas with my soul ... I'm kidding ...
The Christmas memory that I remember most, is a Christmas when I was about 6 years old. That Christmas I received my favorite toy, which I think I wrote in another post in the past. This toy was the Dino adventure, a game of dinosaurs and hunters, type Jurassic Park. When I was a kid, I liked those things a lot. My parents today tell me that they had a hard time finding the Play. Well, what makes this Christmas special is that me and my brother, we believed in Santa Claus, and my parents and my grandmother created a scene in the house. They left us alone in the house on Christmas Day without telling us. Then we heard noises in the garden, and with fear we went to see, it was my dad who was dressed up hahahaha. We ran scared, it was a surprise.

Another memorable Christmas was when they gave me my first bicycle, I had one before I inherited from my brother, I remember this bicycle with a lot of love. But I had grown up, and the bicycle was very small, so they gave me my first bicycle, which until today I use. I also remember once a radio controlled airplane, which was given to my brother, but who suffered an accident in a tree a few days later.

I'm writing posts like crazy!!!

A photo

Hi bloggers, I'm writing my last posts that I have pending. I need to save my semester!!

I'm going to talk about a photo that I like and I photographed. I am bad for drawing, and also for photography, always of the worst quality. Well, photography is closer to me than other arts, and I like it a lot..

Well, I take a picture in the south of Chile, when I realized a walk in the extinct volcano Caburgua Huelemolles, and in the crater was a great tree. It is a place without a road, totally unknown. The good thing is that the vegetation and the trees covered everything without limits, we had to cut with a knife a lot of vegetation to access, just like in a jungle. Here I found a huge amount of Copihues and other plants that due to the absence of people, grew a lot.

Well, the photo is of a tree too large Nothofagus with a trunk of meters in diameter. For the photo I used a friend of scale ... I took this photo in 2017

Another photo that I remember with a lot of love, that I also photographed, was the snowfall in Santiago on July 15, 2017. In Santiago it is not common for snow, only the mountain sector, and when it snows it is little, but that day it snowed too much and there were many problems in the city, such as electricity accidents and other things. But it was a beautiful postcard of Santiago Nevado. I live in front of a psychiatric hospital, it is a creepy building and very old, for the earthquake of 2010 a large part of it was destroyed. Well, I captured photos of this building and its covered gardens.

viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2018

Free blog

My favourite movie is Interstellar, a film of 2014. I watched this movie in the cinema, and I liked because is very interesting. This movie is about the end of the world and the search of other for the humanity. In a near future, the humanity has a crisis with the food, because the contamination affect the harvest of wheat and other foodstuffs, the air is more each day more dirty and unbreathable. The NASA have a plan for the migration of the specie to other world in a distant galaxy. An unknown entity created a worm black hole, where stay the entrance to the other galaxy. The protagonist character is a pilot named Cooper, who is in charge in an expedition in the Endurance.

The most important part of the history is the fight with the time, because the time in the other galaxy pass more slowly, because the universe work with the relativism. When cooper go to the others worlds, the time in the earth was more of 100 years.  His daughter Murphy, is very important in the history, because she stay alone in the earth when Cooper go to the other galaxy when she has 8 years old, this scene is very sad, but Cooper have to go for the humanity. Well, Cooper realized a promise to Murphy of return, and she don´t believe in him. After, she is an important scientific who with the help of Cooper from other place in the universe, decipher the mode of save the humanity. In the end she can see to her dad, but when had more of 100 years, and her Dad had the same age.

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2018

A job

Hi, bloggers today I am going to talk of the work of my dream.
Actually, I have never had a formal Job in all my life. I have had jobs repairing roofs for a familiar. Also, build a pair of things like assistant.
I would like have a job like a geographer in a public institution, for example the SERNAGEOMIN, the ONEMI and others. I would like work in themes associated to risk socio-natural, like the volcanoes. I met a unity of SERNAGEOMIN named volcanic surveillance system; in this, all the volcanoes in Chile are studied and monitored, with information in real time. In anything that I will work, I would like many field trip, in special if are in natural landscapes. In addition, I think that is a good job work for an institution associated to the protection of the environment, the native vegetation or the animals. I think that I will be good for these types of jobs, first, because I study geography, second, because I like the physic area and the natural landscapes and I am good in this and the field trip. 
In addition, I would like be a teacher for the university, because also I like the academic world. In fact when I enter to the university one of my option was pedagogy (in math), because I like teach to other people. But how I choose Geography, I would like teach this theme. 

Resultado de imagen para marcelo lagosIn geography, my inspiration is Marcelo Lagos (he looks like Jesus), because he bring the geography to the people, and teach culture. Other inspiration is Hugo Romero, because he is a great geographer of our university and very smart, actually I have never had class with him, but I heard a talk in Arica where I met him. Also in geology, I have of inspiration to Rodrigo Rauld, a geologist that is teacher here. 

viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018

A friend

When I was a student of first grade in my first school, I met Hugo. I was around 6 years, but we don´t was friends immediately in fact I did not talk with him the firsts years. I remember that he played football in the break of the school and I played others games with others partners; he did not have anything in common with me. Nevertheless in this time the class was very united, and the parents also, they made many parties and littles travels just outside the city in the ends of the years. In these activities, I met better to my partners and Hugo, also my mom met the mom of Hugo, and they became good friends until today, they usually go out to drink and those things. One time my friend got sick, and lost many class and I helped him with the subjects. I remember that I started to go at his house, we played play station and others games, I went to his birthdays and he also, and that’s how our friendship started. After we grow apart, because I change of school and him also. Nevertheless, the friendship lasted until today. I have gone on vacation with him many times, I went to “El Ingenio” (a town in “el cajón del maipo”) with him many times, and here I met the snow. His family have a house in “El Ingenio”, and I remember that we played to the snow wars was very funny. One time we are trapped in the snow and we could not return to Santiago, was a amazing experience. Also I I've been on vacation with him, many times to the south, because he had family in Caburgüa, is a nice family. I have many anecdotes with him in the holydays, the walks, in the lakes. Actually, he studied engineering in this university, and we are in touch.
And of course, I have to talk of George (Jorge), in the faculty he is my best friend, and the first, he is in this class and his blog is http://spacejrg.blogspot.com/ visit it!

viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018

An artist

Hi bloggers, I hope that will be a great weekend! 
I like many artist in many areas, for example writers, like the Colombian author Gabriel García Marquez Nobel Prize in 1982. My favorite book of this author is “cien años de soledad” is a fantastic text, have many character in the history. García Marquez is considerate the father of the Magic Realism, a current of literature famous in Latin America. Svetlana Aliexevich is other writer that I admire, she is a Byelorussian and she too win the Nobel Prize in 2015. She is a journalist and she write about the people and the women in the soviet era. I read the text Chernobyl´s voices and “la Guerra no tiene rostro de mujer”.
In this case, I am going to talk about Neil deGrasse Tyson, he is not an artist, I know, really is a scientist, exactly an astrophysics, but his work close the science to people and speak about all, the universe, the earth, the biology and the people almost an like an artist. He is famous for the serial Cosmos of 2014, is the same that Carl Sagan create in 1980. 
Neil deGrasse Tyson is a very intelligent person, he is a doctor in astrophysics of Harvard, he write many books about astronomy, I read the book origins that explain the origin and the dynamic of the universe and the earth. I know since the serial Cosmos, is a good serial and explain many things of the universe; I recommend this serial for all the people. Carl Sagan was the original creator and the mentor of Neil, today is my most inspirition. I like because he is very charismatic and is don’t difficult understand the science with him.  

 Neil deGrasse Tyson in June 2017 (cropped).jpg

viernes, 19 de octubre de 2018

A building that i like

Hi classmates!!!
First, I am not an architecture student and I don´t have many knowledge about this area, but I like the old buildings, because are symbol of others ages, and represent the past culture, the history, is like a fossil for me. In Chile I like the building of National Library, when I was a child was the first moment in that I went to this building, but was a rapid visit, and I do not appreciate the building. Before of enter in the university I remember that I went to the library to search a newspaper of the 1964 (El Mercurio) for a work of school, this experience was amazing because the library have a subterranean room with all the newspapers published in Chile. Are thousands and thousands of documents saved in microfilms and you can watch this microfilms using a machine like an old PC screen, also you can find other documents apart from books, like historic documents, maps and magazines. In the university, I went to the National Library for study in strike´s days, also like a meeting point with my classmates in the last semester for a work. 
About the building I don´t know much of the architecture, but I know that is one of the oldest building in the history of Chile like republic independent and was created in the government of Jose Miguel Carrera with others emblematic buildings. The architecture is Neoclassical (according to Wikipedia), and the architect was Gustavo García de Postigo. For me is like an old palace, I hear of Federico Sanchez that this architecture is a little copy of French´s buildings, like the Museum of Fine Arts, but I like it for the historical meaning. The building is located in Alameda 651, Santiago, is near of FAU.

viernes, 12 de octubre de 2018

I would like learn...

I would like learn German (but first English!). In the school, I had an experience with the German, in the seventh year until octave grade, we had French, German and English, and obviously the most important was the last. I was very bad in French, and in English and German, I was not very good. In the next years, we had to take the decisions of what language learn apart of English, which is obligatory. I toke German because I was better in this language than French, but also I remember that the government of Germany was the sponsor of our school (is a public school) and they said us that with the German we would study in Germany if we was good students in the language. This country had many systems of academic exchange, and very goods, every years we had German students in our school, and others Chileans students arrived to Germany, also we had the possibility of take the basic license of language German and free. This was motivational, but I was not a great student of German, and I not win anything, few people win these programs. Actually, I forget the German language; I remember the numbers and basics things and according to me is like the English language (difficult). I still think that the German is a good language for learn others knowledge of others areas of the geography, also because Germany is an advanced country and they have a lot to teach us.

Resultado de imagen para mujer calculando gifAnother thing that I would like learn is the statistics, I know that can be heard boring, I don´t like the statistics, but for my career is very necessary, in special if you like the physic area and other areas of the geography. For this purpose is vital learn use the software excel, the most basic, and others like SPSS or Stata, that are more difficult but can be manage more information with complex methods. Actually, in geography, the sadistic is a bit incipient; we have some subjects of statistic and statistic´s software, and are very difficult; even I almost reproved the subject “statistic geography”. Because this is my great feebleness together with math, I want to learn statistic. In the future, I hope that this knowledge will be a tool like a geographer.

viernes, 5 de octubre de 2018

My Passion

Resultado de imagen para undertale
Hi bloggers, really I have more than one passion, the first obviously is my career (geography) especially the physic area, the geomorphology, climatology and others, also I like travel and know other places principally natural places, where I can breathe fresh air, watch beautiful landscapes like the rainforest. However, in this occasion I am going to talk about other passion out of the university and the travels, is a computer game. I don´t played many computer games in my life, I don´t like stay in a chair in the front of a PC for hours, with the works of the faculty is sufficient for me, but this game is the best, its name is Undertale. This game is very simply for play, was launched in the year 2015, Toby Fox is the creator, is a genius!. The game is like the old video games for the graphic, the music and the way for play. But is for the history and the development of the game the cause because is famous, in this the player takes the decisions in the game, and the decisions have effects in the future and the final of the game, is like the real life!. If you have a good soul, the final will be good and every characters will be happy. In the game you fight or make the peace with the other characters. The name of the protagonist is Frisk, and it fell in a underground world governed for the monster they will try steal your soul for leave of these world. 

However, I don’t like make spoilers, but I recommend this game, is good… The music also is a great element of the game, is very prizewinning. 

viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2018

Fiestas Patrias

Hi new classmates of level IV!!!
I am Cristóbal Poblete student of second year of geography, and this is my dear blog. I hope that you have a fantastic second semester.
In Fiestas Patrias we celebrate with my family in Santiago, was one week complete that was my vacation after the stressful an longer semester. In the 18 exactly we make a roast in my house, all my family for part of my mother arrived, in totally was 23 person. I think that my family is very big. The 18 of September we dance Cueca and we sang in karaoke. But regreatfully in this day I realized a bad movement taking a table and I got injured and my 18 was in the bed. The 17 September is the birthday of my mom and since this day we celebrate in the week.